Sustainable growth

Innovation starts from here

G.B.G. is a reality projected into the future that promotes development strategies from a sustainable perspective.

The integration of new objectives and the adoption of responsible practices in the management of resources are fundamental measures to monitor the company’s impact on the environment and the society.
It is for this reason that G.B.G. operates in compliance with the 2030 Agenda and certifies the implementation of sustainable policies through a Sustainability Report.

Carbon Disclosure Project​
In addition to the commitment to managing ESG metrics (2030 Agenda), a process for the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) was started and a photovoltaic system of approximately 0.5 MW was installed. In order to reduce the waste of resources, G.B.G. has important sustainability projects with high environmental and economic value in place.

Paperless project, less paper and more efficiency.

The need to limit paper consumption and optimise document flows has pushed G.B.G. to undertake a strong process digitalisation policy.
Specially dedicated software allows the company to digitally manage documents such as control cycles, transport documents (from 2023 issued and sent exclusively in digital format), production cycles, technical documentation, orders, digital signatures.
The technical documentation is shared with Customers and suppliers through a communication portal with very high security standards, guaranteed by penetration tests.

Water circularity project in tumbling processes

The tumbling phase produces large quantities of waste materials, mainly sludge.
With a view to sustainable management of water resources, G.B.G. has implemented a filtration and recovery system for the water used during this production phase: the sludge treatment allows the water to be recovered, which, after being purified, is reintroduced into the process.

Do you have a project to carry out?

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